22/23 An absurd homage to the staple thrillers of ’90s cable TV, DREAM TEAM follows the episodic escapades of two sexy West Coast INTERPOL agents as they uncover an international, interspecies mystery involving a psychic coral, a sexually suggestive scientist...
23/23 PlotSet within Kenya’s Maasai homeland, 12 women become East Africa’s first all-female anti-poaching unit. Upending the male-dominated, reliance upon military-style training to make a wildlife ranger, Virginia, Liz, Momina, and Damaris instead undergo a...
26/24 PlotFleeing post-war Europe, visionary architect Laszlo Toth (Adrien Brody) arrives in America to rebuild his life, work, and marriage with his wife, Erzsébet (Felicity Jones), after they were separated by borders and regime changes during the war. Alone in a...
47/44 Plot1946. Amerigo is seven years old and he has never left Napoli and his mother Antonietta. His world, made of streets and poverty, is about to change. Boarding one of the “happiness trains” he will spend the winter up north where a young woman, Derna, will...
33/15 Ranch before the neighborhood was demolished PlotAgatha Harkness regains her freedom thanks to the help of a teenager under a spell. Intrigued by his pleas, she undertakes the witches’ trials to regain her powers and discover the teenager’s motives....